Sunday, December 2, 2012 er their opponents

Unexpectedly is dressed in a weak dress Shan, full with on the naked hand and foot cold cause of chilblains.Looking at an at present kid, Long Fei Zhi feels a nose a sour, turn head to loudly call a way:"Guard's immediately taking dry ration food for me and adjusting again to gather a cold resisting supplies , since today, absolutely can not make me seeing a because of don't eat for rice, have no the dress wear but starve with cold to starve."
"Do you want?Give you, however you need not take to sell, because is very quick someone will send to eat of, you can't endure hunger any further with your grandpa, can't be frozen any further."The dragon flies to dismantle the sable cape and wrap up the kid's body.
"His majesty, thanks, thank!"The old man whom a side has been daring not speaking, until just kneel down to toward Long Fei Kou to do obeisance at the moment.
In order to staying in the capital of mostly is an aged and weak disease remnants, therefore their life is also very poor.After understanding such fact, the city rites of going into of Long Jun in the sky becomes a geezer salvage rites.For satisfying the wishes that numerous destitutes fill satisfied belly, Long Fei even orderanies the soldier starts to install a pot outside the city cooking stove, soon from the sending to the steaming hot broth starving masses hand.
In fact eastern green province dragon is to do obeisance one of the Kingdom of Suo Si a few more wealthy provinces, the red dress after teaching to capture here also has no big four sabotage production.Only teach and resist for a sky because of the red dress, Long Jun's attack, therefore collect the high taxes employs by obtaining funds to set up troops with set, it would result in the destitute in the city's in great quantities appearing.
Is busy for a while noon, until majority of destitutes all get cold resisting supplies, Long Fei waits talented person to trail exhausted body, the alignment is located in the original governor of province mansion of the center in the city.
Although everyone is very hard on this day, but their fascination pretty much Gao Zhang, connect not too know the roll of thunder of managing the policy to wait a person for sky, also join to discuss how to resume the topic that eastern green province dragon produces.
However in public the person walk up dusk hall, the strong fascination is immediately in the moment appeared of the guest who comes uninvited interrupt.
"Ha ha, the his majesty indeed as expected isn't a person usually, played on going into the city a good play.Thus, tomorrow flee from home everyplace of the young man necessarily will continuously return, your governance greatly accounts very smooth of will carry out.Is alas ……I really admire you, with only a broth, a few clothes, have to arrive my spending don't get for few years of popular support, really admire, admire!"The red dress religious leader sits upright in the hall and towards Long Fei to say.
"Means?Account to strive for?Red dress religious leader, you know why can you not get a popular support?I am really very pitiful you, be like you this kind of wants to win all people in the world, unexpectedly don't know how to exchange a popular support.Popular support not is a bowl of broth, also not is a cotton dress, popular support BE'heart'!Only you wear to think for them of'heart', they would be capable you consider of'heart'."The way of Long Fei's slight.
"This taught.However this also no longer needs to be studied, I come here to just want to ask you,Beats by dre Free Shipping Day, actually and when, do you just agree to am one war with me?"The red dress religious leader sets up for the appearance of doesn't matter and towards Long Fei to say.
"You stop worrying!I can't fail to keep promise, after, three days' the night of new moon, city north 30 inside breaking of place the soul ascent wait you."Long Fei looks on coldly a to stare and loudly says.
"Good!His majesty, you enjoy for these the last three day well!"Finish saying, the red dress religious leader figure is one Shan, disappear at public at present.

Chapter 216 decisive battle an eve

When Long Jun in the sky quells eastern green province dragon with all strength, in the sky field launching of issue positive strain that decides order of sequence in the world.Because the night boundary is subjected to the raid that a sky robs, it causes 8,000,000 evil absolute beings many possibilities that acquire afresh resurrection, boundary army corps in the sky consequently has to face how to cope with these poor fierce flagitious evil absolute beings ……
"It above is the process that a sky robs to assault to seal evil pillar.For dark devil king card Yi the horse escape, I want to take a very great responsibility, however see with the current circumstance, I worry more while being next sky of to rob an arrival, seal if the evil pillar still emollient quantity props up to rob be over till sky!"The night one face of Wang Ha Di Si melancholy sits in the middle of creating absolute being palace and toward surroundings of other lord the absolute beings say.
"This isn't night adult king's responsibility, I believe and changed into us at that time in whichever, all wasn't likely to handle of hoped adult than the night more perfect."Is Aeolian after finishing listenning to, slightly take to comfort the towarding of tone night Wang Ha Di's dead to say.
"Now not is find out who was responsible of time, currently our even needing to be knowing is a sky next time rob when will arrive, and how we are sky next time rob an arrival, resist evil absolute beings are to the impact that seals evil pillar!"God of fire positive color way.
"Small light, your foreknowledge ability is the strongest, can respond next time a sky rob arrival of probably time?"The ground absolute being says.
"Do not go, I have already tried a lot of times.Tell the truth, connect last time the sky rob, I am also while appearing just can the feeling know.Probably ……probably be like to create the absolute being his majesty says of similar, sky's robbing is ineluctable disaster!"The light absolute being shakes to say.
"Is each, in fact we need not so pessimism, fight in the last saint in, we have already won evil absolute being completely many, we should be able to also win them just, even if they bring to life this time to ah!"Fight absolute being to suddenly invigorate spirit to say.
The words finished listenning to him, public all is a burst of silence, only sit on the water absolute being of fighting the absolute being malicious knock his head, loudly the Xun scolds a way:"You know what ah!In the saint war last time, the 36 parties garrisoned absolute being, 24 road constellation lord absolute beings, 18 glorious soldier absolute beings, 12 ecliptic lord absolute being, nine emperors, eight many and four-part sky of kings, or so and equilibrium absolute beings and created absolute being adults all at.All of this are the strength that depends them, then we can win evil absolute being many.
However you see now, you and god of fire, light although the absolute being also belongs to a combat absolute being clan,is an all second-grade role, while night super strong combat ability owned by king have been already disappeared,beats solo hd, new of the night king haven't awoke, don't say 8,000,000 evil absolute beings many all bring to life, in fact as long as 100 evil absolute being resurrections before having, we were no longer their opponents."
"The drop of water son says right, the absolute being clan in nowadays is no longer the absolute being clan in those early years.Almost all combat absolute being clans all follow behind to create absolute being adult to leave this world, current of we only have the ability of equilibrium world, but didn't exterminate evil the absolute being is many strength.If with our current strength and the evil absolute being many hard put together, tell the truth, there is basically no the opportunity of victory!"The ice absolute being says.
Listen to the words of finishing the ice absolute being, public all is a burst of silence.In fact owner in the mind all very clear,, the absolute being clan in nowadays is no longer the absolute being clan of the strongest period in those early years.In the current absolute being clan, remove deathful of thunder absolute being outside, there are also eight main absolute being, among them only, fire, war and night four clans belong to a combat absolute being clan, while rest four clanses then belong to an equilibrium absolute being clan.With such of the strength want with 8,000,000 evil the absolute being is many decisive battles, absolutely like walk into death a general child's play.
"There is also a way ……now the only way be with we the strength of eight clans, will create absolute being adult to print to untie to the Long Zu's sealing and let Long Zu re-appear the strength in those early years.Then depend on Long Zu's ability again, strengthen to seal guarding of evil pillar strength and make us own the ability that a sky robs of resist thus!"The night a long time of silence king suddenly says behind.
"This will never go!Long Zu's strength is even create absolute being adults to all feel dangerous strength, and Long Zu Jie Ao isn't lousy the fact up to now is from the thou, in case of after we broke to seal to print, Long Zu would not like to unite with us, on the contrary with evil absolute being many stations together, that we equal to dig one's own grave.The king of the night, have you already forgotten the evil-foreboding dream in those early years?"The ground absolute being concussion says.
Finish listenning to a ground of words of absolute being, many main absolute being not from sink into for a long time and before, formerly generation lord absolute being tradition memory in everything concerning ancient strong Long Zu ……
In the absolute being in time immemorial evil war, the mankind only is an absolute being clan with evil clan with the puppet controled by evil absolute being clan, they are born of the meaning is a combat, be be immersed at have no to the utmost of combat in.Created absolute being to feel sick of this kind of one day don't stop of combat, decide to make use of second benefit Si original living creature of mainland, create the combat that owns super strong ability Long Zu.
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